Monday, March 28, 2011

What Is Most Important?

My pastor has a phrase that he uses all the time: "What is most important? Whatever it is time to do right now."

I have taken that phrase to heart the past few weeks. What was most important the past few weeks? School and Youth ministry. We had a huge trip coming up that I had to nail down the finishing touches on and get a few midterms out of the way in school. Im sure you all understand.

But what was cool was that while I hated not writing on this blog, I was realizing that I was leading by example and that I would eventually get to write about it.

If you are planning things, or volunteering for things, or working a job, must continually ask yourself what is the most important thing at this moment? (Obviously you can't say bump a paying job so you can learn to knit for an upcoming small group) Whatever it is time to do at that moment is most important. When you treat what you are doing in that moment as total importance your work ethic, ministry, job becomes more successful because of the attitude of importance you are using.

So what is most important right now? What other "thing" can you put on hold for a moment so you can use your best work?

peace be the journey.


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