Recently God has been challenging me to new things. I left a position of being a student pastor to now being an associate student pastor at a church in Cullman. Reading that line it would seem as if I had done something wrong, there is no way God would move a leader down in position for his will...well actually that is exactly what He did. This is a great opportunity for me to grow in ministry and leadership and I know for a fact this is where God wants me to be.
With that said, I've learned a lot in the past few months I have been here and God has challenged me with a new aspect of leadership. The entire time I have been posting blogs I had been the man, the head honcho, the student Im coming at this from a new perspective.
A leader is more than standing on a stage or platform.
If you feel like the only time you can lead is when you are speaking, or preaching, or leading worship...well then you are wrong. Completely wrong. Real leadership is when you step off that stage and teach someone how to play an instrument for your worship team, real leadership is teaching a kid how to listen for God's voice and look for God's words to preach on the very stage you spend most of your time on. A leader makes new leaders, no I'm not dissing on pastors or worship leaders, there are a lot of them who are doing just that...but being a young leader, this lesson sometimes never gets taught or missed completely. But this lesson is of most importance, because your ministry is only as strong as the leaders you surround yourself with.
So grow some leaders.
This goes without saying, but I am going to write about it anyways. Who you are on a stage should be who you are off the stage as well. If you are more spiritual on a stage then in your daily walk I advise you to step off the stage. You may be the cause of the stress you are trying to fix on your team if that last statement is true.
peace be the journey.