When you begin to lead one of the first things that creep into your mind is fear. Even as I type this post fear comes to mind, who's going to read this? what if no one visits this blog? Questions like that will creep into your mind in any aspect of leadership but what makes you a leader is what happens after the fear enters your mind.
Prayer works, and is of most importants when fear comes to your mind, the sad thing is that sometimes success is measured on numbers and not on impact. The challenge is in your prayer life. Express these fears to God, share with Him your thoughts of fear and then listen. As I spoke with God this morning I expressed my fears for this site and while sitting in silence it clicked in my mind, if only one person reads this then this blog has served it's purpose. Now don't take the mindset that "well Im leading 1-3 people in my ministry so Im just gonna be good with it". Notice that my fear is gone based on this idea of serving just one person is good enough. The leadership that comes out of you is the hunger to expand your leadership and grow those one or two to leadership and then find some more.
Fear will happen, but I ask you to push through the fear of failure. Sometimes we fail and learn from mistakes (in some cases failure is a learning tool) but the ones who never fail are the ones who let fear overtake their leadership.
peace be the journey.
Last night, during 7:14 we were brainstorming and coming up with small groups to do with the kids. I got so excited because we are doing a "little Creators" group! You know this is right up my alley:) So I said I would lead it and come up with all of the projects for them. IMMEDIATELY after I said I would do it, FEAR was right there yelling in my ear.... "what if you screw up?" "What if you can't come up with something on their level?" What if everyone hates you as a leader?" It was extremely frustrating. I sat there and got completely terrified, but only for a split second!
God showed me that being creative is a gift that he gave me, and to use it for him. I know that he will give me everything I need to do this.
I know you're probably thinking....BRIANNA, they're just little kids, but I've never been in any kind of leadership position what so ever, so its a start right:)
I love you dearly bub.
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