Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Just Listen

Sometimes we become so busy with our work. I don't know about you but I am constantly busy...everyday. Im not complaining, I love it. Being busy shows progress most of the time, but if you are not careful being busy could hurt you.

You may have a thriving ministry and can't tell you are hurting. Because if we are not careful being busy working may possibly affect our personal walks with Christ. What you do not want to become is a full time leader and a part time follower of Christ. In this situation you may think numerically or technically you are leading great but as you lead this way your spiritual leadership will show how ineffective you are being.

So how do you stop it? How do you get back to being a full time follower of Christ?

 Stop what you are doing for a little while and just listen. So many times we pray and sometimes they can be deep prayers but how often do we stop and just listen? Before I was hit with reality of being a part time follower I would pray and then instantly go back to what I was doing not allowing anytime for God to speak about the things I had just prayed. It was like God here's my problems and my heart. You can email me the results when you get a chance. Just listen and reflect on what you've prayed and see if you can hear God speak in some way about your situations.

The time you spend talking with God/ reading His word/ developing your walk should be equal if not greater to the amount of time you are attempting to lead someone. If you want someone to follow you and develop a great walk with Christ along the way then you need to make sure you are in check. You are only capable of leading someone as far as you are spiritually, they can't pass you because you cant lead them there if you haven't been there yourself.

So pray, listen, follow, that order.

peace be the journey.


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