Thursday, February 17, 2011

One Talent Scenario.

Today we have a guest post from a great friend of mine Jonathan Fox. He is the student pastor of The Church Revived. Check him out on Facebook and follow him on Twitter: f0xishere

Here is what he has to share with young leaders:

I think one of the most well known parables that Jesus spoke of was the one concerning the talents.  It has been preached in churches all over and is usually a scripture used to point out we are supposed to use our “talents” for God.  Great implication except that the parable deals with more than just using your God given gifts for the work of the ministry.  We have all been given a one-talent scenario that requires us to invest rather than maintain.
As a young leader I know how important it was and is now that I have people who can invest in my life.  I haven’t reached the point in life that I have just because I was clever.  I am the product of other people’s investments.  The parable of the talents is about the use of what God gives you but it is also about investment.  If you look at the parable Jesus speaks of three individuals that received a portion of talents (money, not gifts) according to their ability.  They were given the task to MANAGE what they had until their master returned.  One was given five, the other, two and the third, one.  The first doubled his and was rewarded, the second likewise.  But the third hid his until his master returned and gave it to him preserved and in the fashion it was received.  
I think we miss the big picture of this parable.  Jesus explained that the first two men invested their talents and received back 100% of what they invested.  Either way you slice it both of them acquired the same.  They were given an amount and they doubled it.  They invested and got a return.  The third man however buried his one talent thinking, “If I can just maintain this one thing my master gave me he will be pleased.”  He didn’t step out in faith like the others and invest.  His master even said, “Why didn’t you put my money in the bank, AT LEAST it could have drawn interest.”  It wasn’t about numbers or getting a certain amount.  It was about investing into something in efforts to further what was entrusted to him.  When we invest we will always see a return.  Jesus said in the parable of the sower, “…some thirty, some sixty and some one hundred fold.” The problem is that we try so hard to maintain what we have we lose a desire to invest what we have. 
The idea is not to preserve self or maintain what has been given to you but to step out in faith and invest in the lives around you.  Some investments will turn out to be a bust.  But we can learn and grow as we learn where to invest.  Where and who is God asking us to put our resources, time and energies into.  Investment takes time and faithfulness.  This could be your one-talent scenario.  What are you going to do with it?


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