Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Peter Plan.

Yes, I did just think of a catchy but corny name for this blog post. I originally had simply typed plan plan plan...but I thought in my mind for some reason you the reader would rather see this article titled after a famous children's movie.

What an intro.

As I approach eclipsing the two year mark as student pastor I have now done a few trips, some small groups, ministry projects, leader meetings, etc...and I have found out that all these topics have one thing in common as for how to be successful...plan.

Your next trip will only be as good as the plan you have for it, the same goes for a service you have a part in, and even a meeting. For the people that you have been placed over in leadership to fully grasp your heart in a meeting you have to plan. I have had meetings that have been complete failures and meetings that I felt like I had just successfully discussed taking over the world...and the only reason one was greater than the other is the planning I had done for the meeting ahead of time.

The same goes for any project you are trying to see be successful. How can you give 100 homeless people food in an hour if you have not already made the sandwich or purchased the pizza? Just a small example. But every detail needs to be planned ahead of time. Things come together and work smoothly if you and your team are already fully aware of your plan.

I challenge you, that your next meeting, or next sermon, or next worship set, or whatever it is you are heading up...have a plan for it. You can't stretch to new ideas until the simple ones are already planned out.

What are you planning?

peace be the journey.


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