I have said this before, every Wednesday I eat lunch with two great friends who happen to be Student Pastors. We talk about ministry, life, ideas, what works, what doesn't work, and tell jokes. It's a great time...recently we started recording these conversations and put them on a podcast. If you are interested in listening click here.
No that was not a plug, it is actually one of the most refreshing parts of what I do. I get to spend time with friends and soak in great knowledge in student ministry. But what if you are not a student pastor? What if you lead a small group? What if you lead nothing but hope to one day? Then check this:
Talk it out with people. Wherever you are planning on leading, find some people in that group, take them to eat or to coffee or to a ball game, and talk with them. Tell them your heart, express what you want to see happen, how it could happen, etc. Sometimes before you can spill your heart the people you are with are already sharing their heart, and what's amazing is that most times your hearts are aligned and you didn't even know it. Because you created this segway of talking you find that you are wanting to head in the same direction which will make leading a lot easier.
If you plan time to talk it out with a mentor or someone you look up to, you will see that they can help you along the way. Usually they know if what you are about to do will be successful or a failure, and if they see it will be a failure they can guide you to making it successful. Talking it out with a mentor will be nothing short of amazing. There is so much knowledge for them to share, and knowledge is great when you are a young leader.
So take this for what it is. Talk it out with your team and your mentors. Nothing is more refreshing in leading than learning something new or aligning of hearts.
Who are you talking it out with?
peace be the journey.
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