So today is Valentines. The day of love, cheap candy, and proposals. I think that covers the spectrum. Today while driving around doing some Valentine errands, a thought came to me. I love what I do. What about you?
Notice I said I love what I do. Somedays I may not like what I do, somedays I may be worn down by what I do, sometimes I may cry (yes cry) but I still love what I do. Relationships are like that, there is never a relationship where people are happy every day of their entire life with their significant other. But why do they stay together? LOVE. They love each other, they know that though somedays they fight they could not live without the other one by their side. Through the fights, through the prevails. Love is not just a feeling, it is a choice.
Now that you have a run down on relationships from a relationship expert I will get to what this has to do with leadership. If you don't love what you do people will notice. Why would someone want to follow or work hand and hand with someone who doesn't love what they are doing? There may be tasks that you hate, but you know you must do them for a reason...what's the reason? The love you have for what you do. I do not like moving chairs...but I know that if I do not move chairs on a weekly basis then our multi-purpose building would not turn into our student worship facility. I do it because I love what I do. I dislike moving chairs, but love creating an environment for amazing teenagers to worship their Creator on a weekly I move the chairs anyways. I choose to love what I do despite some of the things I do not like. Now this is just a small example of the dislike but love scenario.
What's yours?
May you find love in your area of leadership if it does not already exist.
peace be the journey.
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